Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Making Pizza: Epic Fail | cooking with kids

So, the other night I decided to make pizza with the kids, much like we've done before. We make super-yummy homemade pizza from scratch (well, the dough and the sauce, anyway). Other times that we’ve done this, it’s been a great opportunity for talking and having fun.

This time, though, things spun out of control fast . . . both of the little kids wanted to work with the dough, so I gave them a little dough and a little flour, and they made a little mess. (Actually not so little.) Then child #3 stomped out of the room after I insisted on helping her roll out one of the pizzas when she was obviously having trouble with it (the dough was really sticky from not having been refrigerated).

Meanwhile, dinner was running late and I still had three pizzas to make, with two little kids wanting to “help” with every step (and one of them taking the initiative by hauling random stuff out of the refrigerator).

By this point, it wasn’t just the dough that was messy . . . I was beginning to come a little unglued, too. You could tell from the way I was tossing things across the room into the sink, for instance.

That’s when Susan came to the rescue with her trademark, “What can I do?” (Four more beautiful words didn’t exist in the English language at that moment.) “Just help get these pizzas done!” I begged. And that’s where the video (above) picks up.

The lesson here? Always refrigerate your dough for at least one hour before rolling it out.

No, no, no! (Well, that is a good idea, but not the main point.) Life is gonna be messy, so don’t get stressy. Seriously. Breathe deep and be Mary rather than Martha (Luke 10:38-42). Where was Jesus in my messy kitchen? In two little boys, so proud of being helpers.